Date of Award


Document Type

Education 590 Project

Degree Name

Master of Education



First Advisor

Abeel, Laurie

Major or Concentration



Research indicates that Professional Learning Communities are a best practice of educators who wish to have continued and substantive school improvement (DuFour, DuFour, & Eaker, 2008). Although most educators are familiar with the term and function of Professional Learning Communities, many educators appear to have difficulty harnessing their power to effectively drive improvement. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the essential components of effective Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and create an action plan for leaders to utilize in the creation or reinstitution of PLCs in their buildings. The research project includes a literature review of best practices in regards to effectively running and managing PLCs. It continues with a report of survey and interview research results conducted of members of local PLCs who have found success as noted by their three-year SOL data is also included. The project concludes with recommendations for PLC implementation and further research. A professional development plan proposal and a monthly PLC expectations handout to be utilized as a reference for teachers first implementing PLCs are also included.

Included in

Education Commons
