"Markov Chain Model for the Spread of an Epidemic" by Abigail Eleanor Bernhardt

Date of Award

Spring 5-5-2020

Document Type

Honors Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science



Department Chair or Program Director

Helmstutler, Randall

First Advisor

Esunge, Julius

Second Advisor

Sumner, Suzanne

Third Advisor

Denhere, Melody

Major or Concentration



In this project, I analyze a mathematical model for the spread of an epidemic using techniques from statistics, probability, and differential equations to track and test the severity of an epidemic. I focus on chlamydia and use 2018 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which includes prevalence in all genders and ages within the United States. I manipulated MATLAB code for the analysis. The results are examined to understand the stochastic processes which capture the epidemic model. With this understanding, we can map the disease and raise awareness in the populations that are prone to infection, in an effort to change the outcome and rapid spread of disease.
