"An Analysis of Julius Caesar’s Generalship as Compared to Proper Gene" by William Carpenter

Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2020

Document Type

Honors Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Classics, Philosophy, and Religion

Department Chair or Program Director

Liane Houghtalin

First Advisor

Houghtalin, Liane

Second Advisor

Romero, Joseph

Third Advisor

Pitts, Angela

Major or Concentration



Little is known about Vegetius, who wrote the military handbook Epitoma Rei Militaris (RM), most likely for Emperor Theodosius I during the late 3rd or early 4th century CE. His manuscript is extensive, examining a wide array of military practices and norms that a proper Roman army should follow. The RM covers specific tasks and responsibilities of a general, which Vegetius appears to have drawn from earlier Roman writers, mainly those from the late Republic and early Principate. Comparing Vegetius’s writings to those of Julius Caesar, specifically to Caesar’s own narrative of his actions in Book I of De Bello Gallico (BG), provides insight into how Roman ideals of good military leadership progressed through centuries of history. This paper argues that Caesar does exhibit proper generalship according to Vegetius, which is important because it demonstrates how Roman military culture of the late Republic was still important for that of the late Empire.

Included in

Classics Commons
