"Mathematics Value Research" by Diane LaMoy

Date of Award

Fall 2021

Document Type

Education 590 Project

Degree Name

Master of Education



Department Chair or Program Director

Huffman, Jane

First Advisor

Reynolds, Patricia

Major or Concentration



Recent research shows how significant experiential learning can be to teaching the critical application of math to real-world problems. However, there is still a lack of research regarding experiential learning and its application to real-world problems regarding the concept of value. Concepts such as value are necessary for money management to help people maximize their purchase of goods and services. Currently, math classrooms teach procedural problem-solving, which may leave students unable to apply math critically to value-related math problems. This research examined critical thinking skills through completion of a real-world question about value before and after an experiential learning activity and use a perception survey to understand if applying math changes a student’s confidence about doing math. This research provides important insight into whether students would benefit from a hands-on learning approach using actual real-world scenarios to apply critical thinking to their everyday experiences.

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