Date of Award

Spring 4-23-2024

Document Type

Honors Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Political Science and International Affairs

Department Chair or Program Director

Rosalyn Cooperman

First Advisor

Emile Lester

Second Advisor

Stephen Davies

Major or Concentration

Political Science


This paper will discuss existing literature on the moral reasoning behind conservative evangelicals’ and Christian Nationalists’ views about women’s subordination. Through various tools like homeschooling, fear-mongering, and policy implementation conservative evangelicals have been able to shape their idea of what role women should fill and gain the following of evangelical women. Additionally, this paper will discuss the balance and reforms needed between working for equality for women and holding respect for the religious views of all Americans, including conservative evangelicals; as well as provide a counter-argument from the perspective of conservative evangelicals. This paper will also explore practical solutions to counter the problematic teachings of evangelicals concerning their ideas of women’s status.
