Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type

Honors Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Communication and Digital Studies

Department Chair or Program Director

Rao, Anand

First Advisor

Goldman, Adria

Major or Concentration

Communication and Digital Studies


Ghosting is used as a relationship dissolution strategy to effectively end communication with someone, particularly with the increase of digital technology. There are various reasons why someone may decide to ghost, but many everyday definitions about ghosting often paint it as a negative social practice while simultaneously comforting the ghostee. These everyday definitions are not accurate, and past literature suggests there can be benefits to ghosting. In a content analysis of ghosting definitions, three key searches, “ghosting,” “ghosting relationship,” and “ghosting reason” were examined under three themes and two subthemes to see if they had negative or positive connotations towards the practice. Findings suggest that everyday Internet searches of ghosting will portray it as negative even if ghosting can be situational. Recommendations for future research include looking into reasons why people ghost and offering more encompassing definitions of ghosting.
