Biological Sciences Research | Biological Sciences | University of Mary Washington


Submissions from 2023


An Idea to Explore: Augmented Reality and LEGO ® Brick Modeling in the Biochemistry and Cell Biology Classroom‐two Tactile Ways to Teach Biomolecular Structure - Function, Swati Agrawal and Shane Austin


A Picture is Worth 1000 Words: Teaching Science Communication with Graphical Abstract Assignments, Swati Agrawal and Paul Ulrich

Submissions from 2022


Lonely Science: Women and Early-Career Scientists in Academia were among Those Hardest Hit by COVID-19 Disruptions, Swati Agrawal, Marilee Benore, and Pamela Mertz

Submissions from 2021


Toxoplasma gondii Toxolysin 4 Contributes to Efficient Parasite Egress from Host Cells, My-Hang Huynh, Marijo S. Roiko, Angelica O. Gomes, Ellyn N. Schinke, Aric J. Schultz, Swati Agrawal, Christine A. Oellig, and et al.

Submissions from 2020


Direct and Indirect Effects of Sex Steroids on Gonadotrope Cell Plasticity in the Teleost Fish Pituitary, Romain Fontaine, Muhammad Rahmad Royan, Kristine von Krogh, Finn-Arne Weltzien, and Dianne M. Baker


Differences in Microbiota Between Two Multilocus Lineages of the Sugarcane Aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) in the Continental United States, Jocelyn R. Holt, Alex Styer, Jennifer A. White, J. Scott Armstrong, Samuel Nibouche, Laurent Costet, Josephine B. Antwi, and et al.

Submissions from 2017


Student Misconceptions about Plants – A First Step in Building a Teaching Resource, April N. Wynn, Irvin L. Pan, Elizabeth E. Rueschhoff, Maryann A B Herman, and E Kathleen Archer

Submissions from 2014


A Broadly Implementable Research Course in Phage Discovery and Genomics for First-Year Undergraduate Students, Tuajuanda C. Jordan, Sandra H. Burnett, Susan Carson, Steven M. Caruso, Kari Clase, Randall J. DeJong, John J. Dennehy, Dee R. Denver, Lynn O. Lewis, and et al.


The Arabidopsis thaliana GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family plays an essential role in control of male and female reproductive development, Byung Ha Lee, April N. Wynn, Robert G. Franks, Yong-sic Hwang, Jun Lim, and Jeong Ho Kim


Novel functional roles for PERIANTHIA and SEUSS during floral organ identity specification, floral meristem termination, and gynoecial development, April N. Wynn, Andrew A. Seaman, Ashley L. Jones, and Robert G. Franks

Submissions from 2013


An Apicoplast Localized Ubiquitylation System is Required for the Import of Nuclear-encoded Plastid Proteins, Swati Agrawal, Duk-Won D. Chung, Nadia Ponts, Giel G. van Dooren, Jacques Prudhomme, Carrie F. Brooks, Elisadra M. Rodrigues, John C. Tan, Michael T. Ferdig, Boris Striepen, and Karine T. Le Roch

Submissions from 2012


Studying Human Disease Genes in Caenorhabditis Elegans : A Molecular Genetics Laboratory Project, Elisabeth A. Cox-Paulson, Theresa M. Grana, Michelle A. Harris, and Janet M. Batzli

Submissions from 2011


Expanding the Diversity of Mycobacteriophages: Insights into Genome Architecture and Evolution, Welkin H. Pope, Deborah Jacobs-Sera, Daniel A. Russell, Craig L. Peebles, Zein Al-Atrache, Turi A. Alcoser, Matthew B. Alfano, Katherine L. Belfield, Christine A. Boyer, Lynn O. Lewis, Graham F. Hatfull, and et al.


Transcriptomic characterization of a synergistic genetic interaction during carpel margin meristem development in Arabidopsis thaliana, April N. Wynn, Elizabeth E. Rueschhoff, and Robert G. Franks

Submissions from 2010


Building Better Scientists through Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration in Synthetic Biology: A Report from the Genome Consortium for Active Teaching Workshop 2010, Michael J. Wolyniak, Consuelo J. Alvarez, Vidya Chandrasekaran, Theresa M. Grana, Andrea Holgado, Christopher J. Jones, Robert W. Morris, Anil L. Pereira, Joyce Stamm, Talitha M. Washington, and Yixin Yang