Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Laurie Abeel


As new music educators enter the work force today, many struggle to find instructional resources that align correctly with the National Standards for music. The purpose of my study is to examine the Fredericksburg City Public School’s secondary choral curriculum to see how it aligns with the Virginia Standards of Learning for Music Education. An updated curriculum is an essential teaching resource for all new music educators; however, the Fredericksburg City School System’s music curriculum was last updated in 1985 (Fredericksburg City Public Schools, 1985). Since then, there has been an adoption of National Standards for music (National Standards, 1994) as well as Virginia Music Standards for Music Education (Virginia Standards of Learning, 2000). j The goal of my project is to develop an updated music curriculum for the Fredericksburg City School System that aligns correctly with Virginia Standards for Music Education. To help achieve my goal, I conducted a literature review on music curriculum development, in addition to reviewing the Virginia Standards for Music Education to ascertain their alignment with the National Standards. For this project I will mainly focus on the secondary choral aspect of the music curriculum. I will review the 1985 Fredericksburg City Public Schools Music Curriculum to see how well it corresponds to the State/National standards, in addition to contacting the Director of Instruction of the I I Fredericksburg City School System to make sure that I use the same guidelines for 1 developing new curricula as the rest of the school system.
