"Two Lessons in Modernism: What the Architectural Review and America’s " by Steven E. Harris

Two Lessons in Modernism: What the Architectural Review and America’s Mass Media Taught Soviet Architects about the West

Document Type


Journal Title

Trondheim Studies on East European Cultures and Societies

Publication Date



In the decade following World War II, countries across the Iron Curtain launched urban renewal and mass housing programs that became enmeshed in the Cold War. The Soviet Union and the West used urban planning and housing to stake their claims about which system – capitalism or socialism – could best provide postwar prosperity and the superior way of life. The architects and house builders charged with carrying out these programs worked at the dynamic intersection of modernist architectural design, domestic building programs, and Cold War politics.


The definitive article is openly available at: https://ntnuopen.ntnu.no/ntnu-xmlui/handle/11250/2711531.

NOTE: Click the View/Open link to retrieve the complete PDF version of this report.

Publisher Statement

The Trondheim Studies on East European Cultures and Societies is made available through the efforts of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim, Norway).

This report and others are accessible at: https://www.ntnu.edu/tseecs.
