Consonant with the institution’s student-centered focus, the UMW Music Department aims to foster an environment in which any student can continue to use and develop their musical abilities and interests. The music major curriculum is flexible, giving students choices over what specialties to concentrate on, while also building a broad foundation in a comprehensive set of musical skills. The breadth of experience among our faculty enable a very high standard of instruction and mentoring, and our students have gone on to pursue a wide range of careers within the music profession.

But our department is here for more than just the music majors and minors: any student is can audition to perform in the instrumental or choral ensembles, or to take private lessons, in addition to enrolling in whatever course of study might interest them. And we have music scholarships available even for non-majors. To learn more, visit the Department of Music website.


Submissions from 2023


A Novel Generative Paradigm for Carnatic Rhythmic Composition, Jagdish A. Krishnaswamy and Robert L. Wells

Submissions from 2020


Theorizing Trikāla: A Generalized Intervallic Approach to Pulse Transformation in South Indian Carnatic Music, Robert L. Wells

Submissions from 2019


Armchair Philology for the Post-Truth Age, James Brooks Kuykendall

Submissions from 2017


A Generalized Intervallic Approach to Metric Conflict in Liszt, Robert L. Wells