Pompeo Lifts Ban on U.S. - Taiwan Relations

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Streaming Media

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Elizabeth Freund Larus, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Political Science and International Affairs, commented on changes to U.S. State Department regulations on Taiwan on the Indus News television program In Focus South Asia, January 11, 2021.


Dr. Larus' commentary begins at 15 minutes into the program.

From the About section of their YouTube site: "Our English-language channel, Indus News, aims to present Pakistan’s perspective on issues of regional and global importance through an inside-out view. We believe the viewer receives the greatest benefit from news and analyses in a global-to-local context. In this, we seek to bring to international audiences the complexity often missed in the coverage of this region."

This video is openly available via the YouTube channel of Indus News.

Publisher Statement

This program is from In Focus South Asia. Additional episodes can be viewed at: https://indus.news/in-focus-south-asia/.

Copyright © 2021 Indus News
