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Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences

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Research has indicated that serotonin (5-HT) modulates non-associative learning in a variety of invertebrate species. Recent work has demonstrated that the terrestrial hermit crab is a suitable animal model for non-associative learning phenomena, including habituation, sensitization, and dishabituation. We examined the potential role of a non-selective 5-HT antagonist, methysergide, in non-associative learning in the hermit crab. We administered methysergide prior to delivering repeated stimulus presentations of a looming visual predator. We found evidence for more rapid habituation relative to a control condition in which crabs did not receive the drug. These results indicate a role for 5-HT in the defensive behavior of the hermit crab and importantly, suggest a conserved role for 5-HT in modulating basic learning processes in invertebrates.


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