Date of Award

Spring 4-24-2020

Document Type

Honors Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Department Chair or Program Director

Jacqueline Gallagher

First Advisor

Caitlin Finlayson

Second Advisor

Melina Patterson

Third Advisor

Tracy Citeroni

Major or Concentration



There has been virtually no research on college students’ re-creations of home on college campuses. This research seeks to address this gap in literature and investigate the re-creation of home by college students on college campuses through a qualitative analysis of student experiences in on-campus housing at the University of Mary Washington. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews were used to understand individual student perspectives on home and home re-creation. Home re-creation on college campuses is an individual and complex process. No single feature or collections of features transform a space into home for everyone. Main elements that create a sense of home for many students in on-campus housing are decorations, the enactment of rituals, memories, and social experiences. These aspects help students create a sense of home on campus. Thus, even with its temporary and transitional nature, students can re-create home in on-campus housing.

Included in

Geography Commons
